KÖNINGS solutions
Agricultural Field Trials, Project Management, Training, GEP and GLP Support, Quality Assurance

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GEP Field Trials in a Variety of Crops

In the Area of Göttingen, South of Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen) and North of Hessen.
Vine is in a radius of 200 km in reach, east or south.

Various Diseases, Weeds and Insects

In the Area of Göttingen, South of Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), North of Hessen and Saxony-Anhalt


Central Germany, still maritime climatic influence


Relatively Heavy Brown Earths:
23 - Luvisol, Para-Brown Earth from Loess, 27 - Rendzina Brown Earth
29 - Pelosol Brown Earth, 37 - Podzol Brown Earth from Weathering

Project Management

GEP Support for Project Planning, Protocols, Monitoring, Reports, BAD Support
GLP Support for Study Plans, Reports, QA, Study Direction or PI for Operator Exposure Studies


Training Courses in Trial Execution, Procedures and Guidelines, Layout, Application, Assessment and Harvest Techniques, Harvest Parameter Quality Analyses, Data Management, ARM Software, Reporting
GEP Zertifikat

Image Description

GEP Certificate

Arable Crops, Vegetables, Orchards, Vine, Hops, Ornamentals, Forest, Paths, Places, Tracks

EU Quality Assurance GLP

Certification and Accreditation Support, GLP and GEP Implementation, Freelance QA Inspections, Safety, Europewide:


KÖNINGS Solutions
Am Kalten Born 35
37085 Göttingen/Germany
+49 171 45 66 372

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